5 American Painters Who Made Me Fall in Love With America

Araci Almeida
8 min readJul 24, 2022
Summer Evening, 1947 by Edward Hopper

“To be an artist is to believe in life” —Henry Moore

I did not grow up surrounded by art. My art, the touch of the sublime, came from the smell of yellow flowers that bloomed in May and whose scent flew throughout the village; the rain that feel and hit the windows of my parent's house’ from where I could watch the sunrise and the fog in the morning; the cockerel crowing in the morning, and the snow that, as a child, covered my mountains.

All that wasn’t man-made art, but it was art, even without my knowing it. It was art because it aroused feelings in me that were difficult to give a name to — even today, it is. And that’s what art is, something that awakens in us a divine feeling, transversal perhaps to our human condition. Many poets and artists have tried and still try to bring out the beauty of the sublime.

I, therefore, have a more classical and traditionalist perspective of art. I think, and it is my belief, that art should represent human beauty. Whether through painting or writing, music or cinema, art is there to elevate us and eternalize our human condition, making us live beyond the short space of time that our life is.

For many years I despised art because perhaps all I saw was contemporary art, spoken with a lot of pseudo-intellectualisms as if it had to be…



Araci Almeida

Trying to be the next Annie Ernaux but failing it every day