Bart, unlike what you may think —also because you're not my habitual reader, you don't know me, you have just met this article — I do want people to use valid and logical arguments to change my mind, because I do like to learn. However, I'm not just for the sake of being "cool" just accept things that I think make no sense.
I do agree with you when you said that transgender people are the ones who actually get more raped and are "objects" of violence. I do give you that, you're right. Also, I didn't write, and perhaps I should have, that violence can happen without the need to have a penis or whatever. So, I take this back, or I would add this.
But I do want to stress out this, if anybody can be anybody, if now I wanted to be a man just for the sake of being a man, how would you tell me otherwise? I'm not saying this stuff are actually happening, but I'm just trying to understand what is this non.binarism "thing" and how it's inclusive, when I feel that's it's actually exclusive.
I stress my point again which is the one I'd love people to argue: why don't we dismantle the stereotypes about what being a woman or a man represent?
Please I am not shouting or nervous. I really want to have a civilized way. But it's sad that people feel always so angry these days, on no matter what side of the matter. You're also very angry using "shit, fuck", so upset and not trying to actual have a conversation?
Why are you behaving this way? I give in that I'm trying to learn, but these types of reactions are exactly the ones that do not help.
Also can you please mention what is the difference between pronouns like "zie" or "co"? And why would anyone choose one over the other? I really don't know why and I would love to REALLY understand.
And before you know it, I have voted left-wing all my life, and will continue to do so. So I'm not against you, I am on your side. It's just me trying to learn and understand, not the other way around.
Have a nice day.