I’m not Black but allow me to disagree on everything you wrote. I really have a lot to say but the main thing that stroke me is the lack of education about your peoples story and history.
And then the word race when there’s no such a thing. There is only social race which is the thing you are perpetuating. Also being Black or also in that case being White doesn’t necessarily mean having a single identity.
Sure there is the thing in common about facing racism (the whole Black diaspora if I’m not incorrect)but what do you have in common with a Black person from Portugal? What do I have in common from a White person from the USA? Most likely nothing.
When you mentioned the lack of unity comparing your people to a nationality…. Hell it isn’t the same thing. I would advise you to read James Baldwin, Zora Hurston, Malcolm X, watch some Spike Lee films too.
Black Americans are one of the strongest people ever. And about people from BLM stealing money . It’s not about skin color but about being human. White people also steal and a lot … because we are humans.
And about the church? Again,, not about an ethnicity. Religion is rotten and is humanity’s cancer. First of all why give money to the church anyway? This isn’t the 17th century anymore. The all American continent it’s still so backwards about religion. This just doesn’t happen in Europe anymore where most of society is secular.
There would be way more to talk but it saddens me that you are only in the surface and in a way spreading stereotypes.
Please read bell hooks and listen to what she has to say about internalized racism. Read all her books if necessary because they are all awesome. I have a lot of them in pdf and I can send them to you if you would like that.